Please Note: For MLK Day trash pickup will be on Monday as regular and Recycling will be on Tuesday for the holiday.

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Salem Water Works has two water treatment facilities with a combined designed pumping capacity of 4 million gallons a day.  These plants utilize conventional treatment processes of disinfection, flocculation sedimentation, filtration. Chlorine is used for disinfection; Alum for sedimentation; Soda Ash for Ph control and adjustment; Carbon for taste and odor control and fluoride for dental health.

Lake John Hay Water Treatment Plant

The John Hay facility was built in 1968 to increase Salem's water supply.  It is rated at 3 million gallons per day. This plant is rated as a 210-Acre supply lake and typically pumps 2 to 2.4 million gallons per day.

Lake Salinda Water Treatment Plant

The Lake Salinda facility was built in 1947.  It was remodeled in 1979 to increase capacity and to take advantage of improved water treatment processes.  Lake Salinda is still used as a supplemental supply for Salem.  It has an 88 acre surface supply lake and the plant is rated at 1 million gallons a day.

Salem’s water treatment plants are State-Certified and follow strict water treatment guidelines to provide quality water to the community. With a combined storage capacity of 3 million gallons, Salem's Water Department serves the Salem community as well as other areas in and around Washington County including East Washington, Pekin and Posey Township.

Contact City of Salem Water Works

Jennifer Mills - Water Distribution Superintendent and Water Treatment Superintendent
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