Please Note: For MLK Day trash pickup will be on Monday as regular and Recycling will be on Tuesday for the holiday.

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Salem, Indiana (March 17, 2020) – Today, City of Salem Mayor, Justin Green, announced new protocols for city operations in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Green made the announcement from City Hall, shortly after 2:30pm.

“More than anything, I want city residents and our employees to be safe and healthy as we endure the next few weeks of uncertainty concerning the spread of novel coronavirus. Undoubtedly, I want to assure the public that these protocols are in place to slow the spread of this highly contagious virus, to protect vulnerable populations, our healthcare system, and first responders.” 

The new protocols include closures of city offices to public access; however, employees will still be available by phone and through the drive-through window.

As a reminder, the Little League season has been postponed and all park and recreation activities, including practices, have been temporarily suspended.

The following protocols will remain in effect until further notice:

Effective March 18, 2020, all city buildings will be closed to public access beginning at 8:30am. This includes City Hall, the Salem Fire Department, the Animal Shelter, and the Senior Citizens Center. All activities for the Senior Center have been suspended. All departments will remain staffed and employees will be available to help residents by phone.

The Water Utility Office will accept payments through the drive-through, drop box, by mail, or check by phone, only. As always, utility customers can continue to make credit card payments online. Building department permits and fees can also be accessed via the Water Utility Office drive-though.

The Salem Police Department remains open and will begin handling all boat permits. The Fire Department will continue to be on-call for emergencies.

Please call City Departments as needed for assistance:

Salem City Hall (812) 883-4265
Clerk Treasurer (812) 883-4264
Water Utility Office (812) 883-3937
City of Salem Police Dept (812) 883-5100 or (812) 883-1524
City of Salem Fire Dept (812) 883-4970
Salem Animal Shelter (812) 883-3673
City of Salem Parks Dept (812) 883-2895

As always in case of an emergency, call 911.

“I am thankful for our city workers, police officers, fire department, and everyone in the city working together to slow the spread of this virus. We are experiencing something new to all of us, but I am optimistic we will get through this together by abiding by local, state, and federal protocols to slow the spread.”

The CDC continues to recommend avoiding being exposed to the virus by avoiding close contact (within about 6 feet) with an infected person. Clean your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public space, or after sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose. If soap and water isn’t available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Most importantly, to help protect others, stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. Call your doctor ahead of a sick visit to explain your symptoms. Visit for more information about COVID-19.

Staying home as much as possible is the best way to avoid getting sick or infecting others.

Please continue to call City Hall if we can be of any assistance. Additional updates to these protocols will be posted as they become available.